In the 2020-2021 season, Big White Ski Resort embarked on a significant endeavour to revamp their alpine trail map, enlisting the expertise of an illustrator/cartographer. Initially involved during the early stages of sketching and painting, I played a pivotal role in ensuring accuracy and providing valuable feedback. Leveraging satellite maps, aerial photographs, and my intimate knowledge of the mountain terrain, I collaborated closely with the artist to address various concerns.
As the project progressed, I assumed leadership of the project, spearheading a meticulous review process. By enlisting the help of our Outdoor Operations team and subject matter experts, I meticulously incorporated the alpine trail network, facilities, and key features, ensuring comprehensive coverage and accuracy.
I loved every minute of the hands-on review and development process – from scrutinizing the design alongside domain experts and dedicating countless hours to fine-tuning trails and terrain for optimal precision.
Following its release in 2021, the map has become a cornerstone asset utilized across multiple platforms, from on-mountain signage to decorative canvas artwork and even blankets. Currently, I am entrusted with the ongoing maintenance and oversight of the map, ensuring its continued efficacy and relevance.